Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Very long, but GREAT day...

Today started with our "0fficial" meeting with the orphanage director, the inspector, assistant to the inspector and the girls. It was a very easy meeting. The girls wrote their petition to the court which states that they wish to be adopted by us. They were also asked if they wanted to change their names. Yuliya immediately said, "Julia Diane Tanner". Zhenya wanted to take my first name as her middle name and she chose the first name of Jenna because it is similar to her given name. So..."Jenna Joy Tanner" it is!

We spent a little time looking at the library and crafts at their orphanage and then left for a very fast & bumpy taxi ride to Tokmak. It normally takes 1 1/2 hours to travel to Tokmak from Berdyansk, but our taxi driver got us there in 50 minutes!

The inspector that Victor worked with in Tokmak had never processed paperwork for an adoption before, so it took about 1 1/2 hours for him to explain everything to her. It is actually to our advantage that this is their first time. Victor told them that he needs their paperwork within 1 or 2 days, when actually (by law) they have 10 days to complete everything. Victor is GOOD! After he met with the inspector, we ALL piled into the VERY small taxi (6 adults and Katelyn) and traveled to the orphanage. I saw Oleksander (our youngest prospective adoptee) standing by a nearby tree with his head down, but a large grin on his face...it seems that he is VERY shy. We exchanged and hugs and then Vitaliy (the 12 year old) took me by the hand and led us into the director's office. These boys are precious and they were so delighted to see us. Yuliya (guess I need to get used to "Julia") had visited them and shared pictures of us. They indicated that they want to be adopted into our family. They were then asked to write their petitions to the court, at which point Oleksander started crying. The director took him outside and when she brought him back in, she explained that he was crying because he is a slow writer and he was afraid that we would not want him because of that. As you can imagine, I started crying and then assured him that his writing ability would not change our desire for him to become our son. We were asked to help them with their names. Oleksander chose "Alexander (Alex) Bryan Tanner" and Vitaliy will now be "Victor James (V.J.) Tanner". As you can see, all of the children chose names that are very similar to their birth name.

My heart was broken as all of the other children stood at the door of the director's office and watched as two of their friends were being visited by people who want to adopt them. I would absolutely take all of them if I could. Please, please, please encourage your friends considering adoption to remember the older children. They truly have no hope unless someone takes them out of their environment and gives them a loving home. All of the children followed us outside to the taxi, we said our goodbye's and then traveled back to Berdyansk.

Next steps...our facilitator, Victor, will go with us to the notary tomorrow to finish up the paperwork for the girls, and then we will have a little more work to do to complete the paperwork for the boys. Once that is done, all of the paperwork will be sent to Kiev and we will wait for a court date.

Bryan, Joy & Katelyn


sabatiniadoptions said...

I'm so glad you have finally got the ball rolling. I second Joy's plea for you to consider taking one (or two) of these wonderful children into your home. They truly have no hope of a future. The Lord has blessed us abundantly in America and all these kids really desire is love. I know our lives will never be the same. I'm anxious to hear more! Bless you for opening your hearts to this family. I can't wait to meet the boys and see the girls again! Love ya, Sharon

Anonymous said...

We enjoy hearing all of your updates but the "Very long but great day" was especially moving.It brought tears to our eyes.God bless you for giving these children a real home.Love the new american names,since that
is what they chose to do.Take care!Love form the Lowdon family as well as from Mama and Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Joy, when you get back to the States we need to talk about a hosting program for Tokmak and Molochansk, if you're interested. We had the same experience with the children at Molochansk. How do you say no to a child who wants to be loved by someone? It's absolutely heartbreaking. Victor had posed the hosting question to the Molochansk Inspector and Lawyer and they were in favor of sending a group over here.


The George's said...

Okay, can you make me cry any more! I just want to hug you ALL. We truly can not wait for you all to come home. Keep posting! We need sizes and favorite colors. Everything about your story is a miracle from God. Can't wait to read more. Love The George's

Unknown said...

What an EXCITING day you have had. I am thrilled you were finally able to meet the boys. Finally, there is hope for boys in our family. I have read your post 4 times. Twice for myself, then for Todd and the girls, then for Mom and Dad. I have also cried 4 times. It is all I can do to get it out for Mom over the phone. They send their Love. I am so blessed to have a brother and sister-in-law who are willing to open up their hearts, lives, and home to children who may not have had no hope for a future otherwise. God is Great! We love you all. Stay Safe. Can't wait for the next update. We also love the new names!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - how exciting to finally meet the boys!!!! I was touched to read about all that you've been through and will continue to pray for things to go smoothly!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your updates. I'm sure you are tired physically and emotionally every day and it is a gift to all of your friends and family in the states that you are making time to share your journey. My whole family is reading your story daily. Our thoughts are with you every day. I love the new names but best of all I love picturing your new family all together on these visits and ultimately coming home together. Love to all, Stacy and Mark Taylor